*** retail stores handling boys' clothes -- A-L

Individual Retail Stores Handling Boys' Clothing

Figure 1.--Franmlin Simon opened in 1902 and was an imprtant New York City deprment store until 1948, biut continued for 4 more years under new management. It primarily offered women's and children clothes with an emphasis on European fashion. Here is a page from the Franklin Simon 1911 store catalog for boys' wash suits, meaning primarily summer outfits done in various cotton fabrics. This was a New York City Fifth Avenue department store wich operated from about 1902-52. It published a well-illustrated catalog as far as we can tell during the 1910s and 20s. Notice how popular tunic suits were or as the catalog refer to them, "Russian suits". Also notble is thast the younger boys wer socks, but the older boys long stockings.

HBC has developed information on the following department stores, clothing retailers, and mail order companies. We are just beginning to gather information on the individual stores. HBC would be interested in reader comments about the stores in their countries. We are interested in childhood memories as well as the current status of the stores. Most retailers did not do catalogs. of any importnce. this of course impacts our ability to illustrate the pages. For the most part, the stores that did do catalogs did rather sallm ones. The major catalogs were Sears and Montgomery Wards, but clothing was only a part of the offerings, although a mall part. Early catalogs were not vey effective until the turn-of the 20th century, illustrations were crude and photograohs coulod not be inepebsuve dusolayed.. (enhravings had ti be made.) But with the advances of photolthography, catalogs could display the goods very effectively. Sears and Wards were catalog stors that subsequetly began opening actual stores. Retailers mostly they adverrtised in newspapers. But we see some store catalogs. With the apoearance of the internet at the turn-of-the 21st century, retailers begun to create on-line catalogs, of course nothing like Sears and Wards.

A-L Stores

M-Q Stores

R-Z Stores


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Created: 4:31 AM 1/19/2024
Last updated: 4:31 AM 1/19/2024