French Orphanages: Types

Figure 1.--Here we see a French orphanage in 1938. The press caption read, "St Germain France Homeless Children at New Home: In a small suburban town, near St Germain three ministers inagurated a home for homeless children. They were: Marc Rucurt, Public Health, Paul Reyanud, keeper of the eal, Jean Zay, National Education. The new home is surounded by vast grounds and was built with the funds from the budget of the Public Health Ministry. The photo shows a closeup of thebhomeless children while singing popular French songs." The photograph was taken October 18, 1938. France at the time was awash with refugges fleeing the NAZIs and Spanish nationalists. They for the most part came as individual adults or family groups, rarely unaccompanied children. This these seem to be French orphans.

The French orphanage system is a bit complicated, and has had experienced important changes during the20th century. along the 20th. There are several type of orphans: 1) those of the war consequence, the father was killed, 2) those coming from very poor familly, which were unable to care for all of their children, 3) those coming from parents who died, and 4) those abandonned as infants. The children were cared for in both Government and charitable organizations.

War Orphans

The children orphaned because their fathers were soldiers killed during the War are called 'Pupil de la Nation' and were the best cared for. Of course they were not orphans in thge sense that they blost both parents. Many families had the capability of caring for them. But many mothers from humble families did not have the means to care for some or all of their children. The Government set up Orphanages for them and they were supported with state funds. The children did not wear uniforms, but Until 1930 they wore a military-styled peak cap " casquette ŕ galon doré ". After World War II the situation was different. French caualties were only a fraction of those suffered during World War I. There was a difficult period during the German occupation. German plundering of the economy during the Vichy era created many shortages, The French Army after the French surrender (June 1940) was interred in the Reich and not liberated untill Aliied armies invaded Germany.

Other Orphans

Many orphans were cared for by the " Petites soeurs de la Charité " These were mostly Catholic charities run by religious orders and staffed by nuns. There were a few Jewish charities as well. After World war I and World War II, religious orders played a major role in efforts to improve children's health and welfare. Some of their work was done in the schools. Almost all French children before 1970 today recalls being looked after by the nuns. The Petites soeurs de la Charité also operted orphanages. Here the nuns developed their own rules as to how the children were dressed so there were differences from orphanage to orphanage. Some had uniforms or smocks while others wire regular clothes. Often they wore donated garments. The nuns were rather conservative and the children were often dressed in a juvenile manner. Our reader writes, "Inside the Catholic orphanages, the nuns were struict, but children were generaly well fed and happy. The nuns were very cariung and provided some of the tender affection that is essential for young children.


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Created: 3:29 AM 4/12/2019
Last update: 3:29 AM 4/12/2019