** American orphanages clothing

American Orphanage Clothing

Figure 1.--This cabient card has no accompaning information. It looks like a school groups, but the childrn are different ages. That could mean a small rural school, but the children are so similarly dressed that we think it is an orphanage of some kind. The oval masking and the mount suggest that the photo was taken ikn the 1900s decade. The boys waer blouses and amd small bows. The two youngest boys wear dreses, but without pinafores. The girls wer dresses wiyh pinafores.

Clothes worn by orphans have generally reflected clothes worn by children from families with moderate means. In America this meant that actual uniforms were unusual. Often children brought clothes with them or clothes were supplied by relatives. One visitor who was in an Indiana orphanage during the 1920s tells me that the lady running the orphanage would buy clothes on sale in local stores. The children could select clothes from a large box. At other orphanages there may have been more similarity as clothes were often bought in large lots by the various state homes. THis we see orohanages with children wariung a wide a variety of clothing and others with the children similarly dressed. Little boys at the turn of the century would often wear blouses, large bows, and knee pants with long stockings. Girls commomly dresses. Pinafores were commonm for a time. There wre no destinctuve orpohanage clothing. Induviuduals would not sdtandf out, buty of course a large groups all dressed similart=trly would stand outy. Infants and toddlers were less commonly found in the orphanages as they were easier to place for adoption. We note what may be an orphanage group on a beach outing at the turn-of-the 20th century. The boys are all wearing identical hats and dark smocks.


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Created: 5:36 AM 2/7/2022br> Last update: 5:37 AM 2/7/2022