English Children's Literature: Foreign Countries

Figure 1.-- 'Coconut Island Twins' by Lydia S. Eliott is published by Cox & Wyman, London. First published in 1956, this is the forth impression, 1967. The story revolves around Rangi and Lulu, twins, who live on a tropical island in the Pacific Ocean Image courtesy of the AM collection.

We note a lot of stories about children in other countries. Children were apparently curious about what it was like growing up in other countries. Some children more than others. This was especially true before so much information was avvaible from television, movies, magazines, and now the internet. Until after World War II there were real differnces from country to country, even in Europe, depending on where you were raised. That included clothing. Since the war there has been a general homoginizing process in both culture and clothing throughout Europe. Many of the differences that once existed no longer exist, as least to the degree they once did. As a result these country stories are no longer as common. The cover here shows one of the foreign country theme books, this one set in the Southsea Islands (figure 1). Another one id Rudyard Kipling's Jungle Book. It is sedt in India, but without any sense of nattionality or time.


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Created: September 1, 2003
Last updated: 12:30 AM 1/27/2011