Types of American Children's Literature: Comic Books--Classics Illustrated Boy Characters

Figure 1.--One of the "Classics Illustrated" was Twain's the "David Copperfield". The cosuming here looks rather simplified, but relatively accurate.

These comics were published on a wide range of classic books, including editions on the famous Charles Dickens and Mark Twain classic characters. There were editions on several other boy characters. These of course depict the boy fashions of their era in detail. Some of the individual titles were: 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer' by Samuel L. Clemens/Mark Twain (1967), 'Treasure Island' by Robert Louis Stevenson (1967), ' David Copperfield' by Charles Dickens (1967). There were several more, but we do not have a complete list at this time.

David Copperfield

One of the "Classics Illustrated" was Twain's the "David Copperfield". The cosuming here looks rather simplified, but relatively accurate

Jim Hawkins: Treasure Island

Treasure Island was one of the many classic books that were done as comic books in the Classics Illustrated series. The cover comes from one of the N.C. Wyeth illustrations. While the classics illustrated drawings carry none of the energy energy of the Wyeth illustrations. They do, however, provide quite a large number of images from the book. As in all Classics Illustrated editions, the comic book very closely follow the plot of the book.

Tom Sawyer

The cover for the Classics Illustrated edition for the Adventures of Tom Sawyer pictures the fence white washing scene.


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Created: April 8, 2003
Last updated: April 13, 2003