American Children's Literature: Individual Books--Revolutionary Rhythm Kids

Figure 1.--Walt Breville, a retired postman, has written a charming story about an 8th grade class interested in music--Revolutionary Rhythm Kids. It is the conservative era of music in the early 1950s. A class of 25 8th graders in rural Florida are talented dancers and singers seeking livlier tunes. They get more than they barganed for.

Walt Breville, a retired postman, has written a charming story about an 8th grade class interested in music--Revolutionary Rhythm Kids. It is the conservative era of music in the early 1950s. A class of 25 8th graders in rural Florida are talented dancers and singers seeking livlier tunes. They get more than they barganed for when they hike through the wilds to a scientist's labortory, time travel to the hot jazzera of 1929 to get filmed in a musical. It is all very exciting, although the boys don't care much for their knickers. Encounters with dngerous animals, strange creatures, flying saucers, and malfunction of the time machine makes it doubtful they'll return home safely. They become part of an alien plan to cool the Cold War.


Walt Breville, a retired postman, has written a charming story about an 8th grade class interested in music. Waly has recently lived in central Florida for 6 years. He us a radio hobbyist who has published articles on long distance listening, enjoys reading about subjects ranging from UFOs to history of early jazz, movies, and World War II. Enjoying the beauty of Florida while hiking, cycling, and boating has inspired him to write his first work of fiction.


Revolutionary Rhythm Kids. It is the conservative era of music in the early 1950s. A class of 25 8th graders in rural Florida are talented dancers and singers seeking livlier tunes. They get more than they barganed for when they hike through the wilds to a scientist's labortory, time travel to the hot jazzera of 1929 to get filmed in a musical. It is all very exciting. Encounters with dngerous animals, strange creatures, flying saucers, and malfunction of the time machine makes it doubtful they'll return home safely. They become part of an alien plan to cool the Cold War.


The book is set in the 1920s and 50s. There are are descriotions and illustrations of the clothing children wore in both decades. The boys in the 1920s don't care much for their knickers. The girls in the 1950s where very full skirts. The boys wear striped T-shirts and jeans.

Ordering a Copy

The book can be ordered at the publishers web site--Infinity. At the top of the page use the search for either title or author.


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Created: 2:15 AM 12/8/2007
Last updated: 11:05 PM 12/8/2007