Little Lord Fauntleroy: Belgian Edition

Figure 1.--I do not know the publishing date, but the cover illustratioins look modern. I do not know if this edition is illustrated other than the cover and if so who the illustrator was. This is a Belgian French language edition.)

Le Petit Lord Fauntleroy, Folio Junor. (I do not know the publishing date, but the cover illustratioins look modern. I do not know if this edition is illustrated other than the cover and if so who the illustrator was. This is a Belgian French language edition.) There is a short quotation from the book on the front cover. It reads, "Jusqu'ici je ne m'étais jamais trouvé loin de chez moi" meaning "Up to now I never found myself away from home".


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Created: April 30, 2003
Last updated: May 1, 2003