Material Used in Boys' Clothing: Indian Head Cloth

Figure 1.-- A company advertisement in 1916 promoted Indian Head cloth , "More Clothes for Less Money. .... It costs one third as much as linen, doesn't wrinkle easily and keeps clean an unusually long time." The manufacuturer was Amory, Browne & Co. in Boston, Massachusetts. .

A reader tells us about Indian Head cloth, a trade-marked fabric sold in America during the early 20th century. I'm not sure just why it was called Indian Head. Our reader reports that Indian Head was "a superior muslin with a linen texture". [Kiplinger] A company advertisement in 1916 claimed, "More Clothes for Less Money. You can save half the cost of your own and your children's clothes by making them of Indian Head. This attractive white material is ideal for summer dresses because of its unusual qualities. It costs one third as much as linen, doesn't wrinkle easily and keeps clean an unusually long time." The manufacuturer was Amory, Browne & Co. in Boston, Massachusetts. A 1919 advertisement shows a white sailor suit done in Indian Head. We notice Tom Sawyer wash suits done in Indian Cloth advertized in 1924. We also note a vintage Tom Sawyer Oliver Twist suit that was probably done in Indian Head.


Kiplinger, Joan. E-mail message, May 13, 2008. Ms. Kiplinger is writing on history of Indian Head cloth and its mill owners.


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Created: 1:50 AM 5/14/2008
Last updated: 3:34 AM 5/14/2008