Fabric Weaves Used in Boys' Clothing

Figure 1.--

Boys clothing has been made in a wide variety of fabrics. Aristocratic boys once wore fabrics such as brocades that we would today consider totaly unsuitable for boys. Some such as denim have been used for play and casual clothes. Others such a velvet have been made for elegant party suits. Other fabrics such as flannel, serge, cheviot, corderoy and many others have been used for a wide variety of different garments. Quite a variety of other fabrics, sometimes quite expensice such as cashmere, camelhair, and satin have been used for expensive boyswear. Some fabrics were once quite popular, such as chambray, cheviot, duck, and serge were once very commonly used for boys clothing, but now rarely seen. In recent years clothing has moved from formal styles to more utilitarian clothing and thus the hard wearing durable fabrics like denim and corderoy have become increasingly important. One particularly luxurious fabrics sometimes used for outfits to be worn by younger boys is velvet. Many fabrics have interesting modern historical stories denim and chino. Other fabrics date back many centuries if not milenia. Cashmere, camelgair, and silk were staples of the freat caravan trade. Several important synthetic fibers were developed in the 20th century. There are many different fabrics used over time. Some of the terms are familiar to us today. Others are forgotten or unknown. As a result we are not always sure if some terms refer to a material or a weave. As in some cases only one material is used for a fabric, like cotton for ribbed corduroy, the name of the fabric is the same as the weave. Another problem is that some fabrics were named as to deceive the consumer, such as sateen which is a cotton fabric made to suggest silk was used. Some of the most important fabric weaves used in boys clothing has included the following.

Fabric Weaves A-L

Fabric Weaves M-Z


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Created: March 16, 2000
Last updated: 1:25 AM 8/28/2004