Boys' Clothing Patterns Magazines: Pictorial Review (United States, 1899-1937)

Figure 1.--This is a 1907 knicker pattern for size 10 year old boy. The pattern said that they were front or sideopening. The front fly convention was not yet standard. There are two back potckets and cuff knee closure. There are akso button hole openings at the waist for stocking supporters or button-on garments.

Patterns were just one of the features, but they were an important feature. They were especially important when the magazine was founded. We are not entirely sure how they were presented. We think the first issues were primarily centered on the patterns. Some would be included in the magazine. But then the magazine functioned as aind of caralog. We note quite a number of Pictorial Review patterns. We are less sure as to just how the patterns were presented in the magazine. Most of the patterns we have found are women's and girls' dresses. I think girls' clothing is easier to make and daugters are probably more appreciative. We have found a few patterns for boys' garments. The patterns were sold in Britain and the colonies. We are not sure that they were sold through the magazine there. Nor do we know how important foreifn sales were. We suspect that women's and girl's patterns were more impirtant because we begin to see differences in boys clothing about this time.


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Created: 11:47 PM 1/16/2009
Last updated: 4:52 AM 11/12/2010