Postcards: Painted Color Company Practices

Figure 1.--This is a postcard made by the ABC company in France. It was postally used in the Netherlands during 1932. Some versions like this one had Dutch-language greetings. This one was largely black and white and only slightlt tinted, the color was mostly painted into the flowers. Click on the image for a similar card that is strongly colored. Note that the ABC file number on these different cards is identical.

Not all the cards were painted in bright colors. From a specufic shoot, a company might do some in bright colors. Usually this maent that the clothing was painted outlandish colors. Some cards from the same shoot might be left esentially in black and white. At this time we do not really know how such practices varied over time or between countries and individual companies in those countries. We are, however, acquiring increasing numbers of card images and may have more to say on this subject at a lter time.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: November 2, 2001
Last updated: November 2, 2001