Postcard Painting Accuracy: Specific Colors

Figure 1.--This postcard was mailed from Porugal in 1902. I thinkthat, however, Rex is a French postcard company. The orange paintedc on color here seems to us unrealistic. It seems to have been chosen primarily for its eye-catching appeal. A reader writes, "I wouldn't say this is orange. I saw it as light brown." Yes scanning variatioins and browswer settings can cause to look differently. A light broiwn we think is a color that boys did wear. An oragy broiwn is less likely.

Color was very appealing to early 20th century postcard purchasers. The colors on many cards appear to have colorized to attract the eye of potential customers rather than to accuartely record the boy's outfit. This presumably why some cards are done in bright improbale colors. We think that very bright colors like orange were not likely and we do not see that color mentioned in catalogs. Yellow also seems an unlikely color, except for younger boys. Here we are not nearly as certain as we are with orange. Red was a color that a boy might wear. We do not think, however, that it was as common as used in these post cards. Another color we note being used in these potcards is pink. Now we have seen pink being used in the 19th century. We even note pink sailor suits. We think that modern gender conventions began to harden in the early 20th century. Thus we do not think pink would have been very xcommon for boys.


We think that very bright colors like orange were not likely and we do not see that color mentioned in catalogs. We note both mured browish oranges as well as very bright oranges.


Another color we note being used in these potcards is pink. We note both pink garments as well as pink being used in color derailing such as bows, straps, and socks. Now we have seen pink being used in the 19th century. We even note pink sailor suits. We think that modern gender conventions began to harden in the early 20th century. We have no definiytive information on this, but we do not think pink would have been very common for boys.


Red was a color that a boy might wear. We do not think, however, that it was as common as used in these post cards.


Yellow also seems an unlikely color, except for younger boys. Here we are not nearly as certain as we are with orange.


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Created: 11:08 PM 7/17/2008
Last updated: 11:08 PM 7/17/2008