Postcard Companies: PC Paris

Figure 1.--This PC Paris pstcard in 1933 shows a boy wearing velvet suspender shorts with white kneesocks ans strap shoes. The midlength curled hair style he wears was often picturec in French card during the 1920s and early 30s. HBC is unsure how commonly it was actually worn by French boys.

PC Paris appears to be one of the largest French postcard companies. We note PC Paris cards in the early 20th century before World War I. Some of the cards were rather strangely posed such as little girl with a big wine bottle. Boys were commonly pictured with floweres. Sailor suits were a popular costume for the boys, sometimes with wide brimmed hats. PC Paris was still printing cards in the 1930s. Card in the early 1930s showed boys in short shorts, often with white kneesocks ans strap shoes. The curled mid-length hair cut was also popular.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: November 5, 2001
Last updated: November 5, 2001