*** postcard types -- personal postcards non-stamp box

Postcard Types: Non-stamp Box Postcards

non-stamp box postcard
Figure 1.--This is a the back of onev of the few Ameican non-stamp box post cards we have found from the early-20th century. Cickn on the omagev tom see the front image.

Not all post cards had stamp boxes. We are not sure about the pre-stamp box era. We have found postcards without stamp boxes during the stamp box era (1904-30s). There were not very many American post cards that were done without stamp boxes. One of the few we have found was done with empty space lettering like CYKO cards. They may have been the same company, but there are is no other lettering on the card. We do not have an year range for these cards, but we note one dated to about 1908. They were not very common, but we do notice a number of them.


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Created: 1:28 AM 12/7/2023
Last updated: 1:29 AM 12/7/2023