Paper Frame Decoration (1930s)

Figure 1.--This 1936 portrait shows an unidentified Catholic altar boy. Note the elaborate frame with Art Deco styling. It was taken at the Paul studio in Chicago. Chicago as it grew developed many Catholic ethnic communities. I do not know if there are any clues here as to this boy's ethnicity, but Polish was one of the most important.

The decoration of the frames varied. Many paper frames during the 1930s were fairly plain. We also see highly decorated frames in variated shades. Art deco styling was still very popular and highly varied. This was not the only style. We see ornate frames without the art deco touch. We often find a narrow decorated frame just around the image in a dark color and then a less docrated area comprising most of the frame. This was often motteled sop as to focus attention on the photograohic image. Art decol frames might add lines into this area. We commonly note green and blue frames in grey shades. Brown does not see as common as it was in the 1910s and 20s. Nor do we see rhe artsey very rough torn edges that were popular earlier. We note Art Deco stykling throughout the 1930s. One example is the Rhoads boys in Iowa in 1934. Here we see another example from Chicago in 1936 (figure 1).


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Created: 1:45 AM 7/24/2011
Last updated: 1:46 AM 7/24/2011