** American cabinet card United states chronology 1925

American Cabinet Card Chronology: 1925

Figure 1.--Here we have a class portait taken at the same East Orange New Jersey parochial school. We see them earlier in 1921 when they were 1st gradeers. School potraits were common, but this last decade in which we see many cabinet cards. It was the same class, we think about 4-5 years later. We know it was the same class because we see the same little girl we saw in the 1st garde class in whast we think is a 5th grade class here. The studio used the exact same light-brown mount, again with no ruling or studio information. Along with slate-green cabinet card mounts that we see after the turn-of-the 20th century.

Here we have a class portait taken at the same East Orange New Jersey parochial school. We see them earlier in 1921 when they were 1st gradeers. School potraits were common, but this last decade in which we see many cabinet cards. It was the same class, we think about 4-5 years later. We know it was the same class because we see the same little girl we saw in the 1st garde class in whast we think is a 5th grade class here. The studio used the exact same light-brown mount, again with no ruling or studio information. Along with slate-green cabinet card mounts that we see after the turn-of-the 20th century.


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Created: 12:29 PM 5/21/2021
Last updated: 12:29 PM 5/21/2021