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Classic American Cabinet Cards: Lettering

cabinet card lettering

Figure 1.--Here we see a cabinet card with impressed silver lettering. The card is not dated, but the gir;s dresses, especially the baloon slleves fate it to the 1890s, we would estimate the mod-1890s.

The studio information at the bottom of the vertical oriented cabinet card was doner in lettering that varied in color and font. We gemerally see standard fonts, but we notevwhat might bevcalled 'Old West' lettering in the 1870s. We also motice some fancy fonts, but can not yet date them. There was also embossed and impressed lettering. These variations differed over time and this can be uded to date the many undated cards. We need to work out the chrinolgy of these many variations. We have not tet fiubd enough dated images to goninto mych dertailWe know a little about the variations, but are just behinning to understand the various chronogies in detail. The embossed lettering here, for example, first appeared in the 1890s (figure 1). The same is true of impressed lettering. It is not untl the 1890s that we see either. And we suddenly see silver lettering at the same time.


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Created: 12:25 AM 3/2/2020
Last updated: 12:26 AM 3/2/2020