** photography print type : cabinet card country trends America, United States

American Cabinet Cards: Outside the Studio

Figure 1.--This obviiusly is nit a studiomportait. It is undated, but was probably taken in the 1890s. We are not sure who took it, but beklieve it was afather who was a photographic enthusiast. Notice the boy wearing a Fautleroy blouse and his younger brother a kilt suit. Stidio photographs always show boys wearing long stockings with kiltsuits. At home, the situation was apparently more relaxed.

The vast majority of cabinet cards and virtually all CDVs were taken in studios, althoug some photraphers apparently want to schools to take the photographs. We thus see mostly children were dressed up for the portrait. We see mostly in the 1890s cabinet cards that were clearly not taken jn the studios. We do not have much information okn thiese photographs. We believe that many british studios had employees that wbt door to door to take photographs. That does not seem to have been the case in America, althoiugh we have little definative information. Our general impression is that many of these photographs were taken by amateur photographers and processed in studios, the best ones printed on cabinet cards. The numbers of such photographs are limited because before the Kofak Brownine (1900), amateur snapshot phorography was complicated and expensive.


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Created: 3:28 AM 9/30/2020
Last updated: 3:28 AM 9/30/2020