* vintage clothing Japanese school uniforms

Vintage Japanese School Uniforms: Primary Uniform (2010)

Figure 1.--Each Japanese school decides if its wants a uniform and if so what the uniform should be. There are various options for the primary schools. Many primary schools chose a uniform of white shirt and blue shorts for the boys. Thus these coninations are often offered in catalogs and mass market stores. Basic white shirts and blue shorts have been a common style at primary schools since the 1960s. A good example is the white shirt and blue shorts displayed in an unidentified internet catalog during 2010.

Each Japanese school decides if its wants a uniform and if so what the uniform should be, There are various options for the primary schools. Many primary schools chose a uniform of white shirt and blue shorts for the boys and white blouse and blue skirt for the girls. Thus these coninations are often offered in catalogs and mass market stores. Basic white shirts and blue shorts have been a common style at primary schools since the 1960s. A good example is the white shirt and blue shorts displayed in an unidentified internet catalog during 2010.


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Created: 10:15 PM 8/12/2010
Last updated: 10:16 PM 8/12/2010