German Theatrical Plays/Operas: Hansel and Gretel

Figure 1.--These German children in the 1950s seem involved in a school play, perhaps "Hansel and Gretel". It may even be an opera. They may be praying for help. The costuming with the girl's braids and the boy's Lederhosen tend to confirm this.

These German children in the 1950s seem involved in a school play, perhaps "Hansel and Gretel". They may be praying for help. The costuming with the girl's braids and the boy's Lederhosen tend to confirm this. I agree that it is proabably a scene from "Hansel and Gretel." A reader writes, "It looks like the section that was immortalized by Humperdinck's opera 'Hänsel und Gretel'. Engelbert Humperdinck (1854–1921) was a German composer, best remembered for his opera, Hänsel und Gretel (1893). The scene here looks like 'The Children's Prayer' -- a haunting and beautiful piece of music. One version of the lyrics (in English) is:

When at night I go to sleep,
Fourteen angels watch do keep,
Two my head are guarding,
Two my feet are guiding,
Two are on my right hand,
Two are on my left hand,
Two who warmly cover,
Two who o’er me hover,
Two to whom tis given
To guide my steps to Heaven.


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Created: 6:01 PM 6/16/2007
Last updated: 7:39 PM 6/18/2007