boys clothing: British royalty -- Edward VI boyhood

Edward VI: Boyhood

Figure 1.--This 1542 portrait by of Prince Edward was painted by Holbein. Edward would have been about 5-6 years old at the tgime. It is the earliest comtemporary impace we have of the Prince. Notice the red rose that he is holding.

Our information is still limited about Edward's boyhood. Edward was born in 1537. The infant prince was extrodinarily important to King Henry. He was the King's only legitimate male heir. Without Edward, Mary and Elizabeth would have suceeded Henry. This would have meant the end if the Tudor dynasty. The Prince's mother died only 2 weeks after his birth. King Henry placed great importance to safeguarding his heir. Prince Edward as an infant was cared for in seclusion. This did not change until Henry married his sixth nd last wife, Katharine Parr. At this time Edward's care became the responsibility of his step-mother. She proved to be a loving step-mother. Katherine was not only a wonderful mother to Edward, she was also a zealous Protestant in a way that Henry never was. In fact she came close to losing her head when she began preaching to Henry. She eventually ceased in time to save her life. Her Protestant beliefs, however, were passed on to Edward. Surpringly Henry himself too little interest in Edward's religious instruction. Katherine also cared for Princess (regerred at the time as Lady) Elizabeth. Edward thus became very close to his alf-sister Elizabeth. Princess Mary was different. Mary, loyal to her mother, was an ardent Catholic. This religious difference and the fact that she was much older meant that Edward never became close to Mary in the say way he became attached to Elizabeth. Edward was precocious beyond his years and extremely pious. Edward as a boy played sports and developing athletic and hunting skills were consdered part of his learning to be a king and succeed his father. Edward as a boy was noted for his piety and passionate devotion to Protestantism. His education was a particularly important part of his boyhood. Edward suceeded his father while still a boy of about 10 years of age in 1547. At age 10 of course, Edward was a figurehead king. At first his Seymour uncles controlled the regency. Eventually John Dudley, duke of Northumberland, seized control of the regency. Edward died at the young age of only 15 years. He died a dreadful death. Historians are nmot precisely sure about the cause of his death. A combination of tuberculosis and measles seems likely. Northumberland at the end persuaded him to leave the throne to his Protestant cousin, Lady Jane Grey. This was to prevent the accessing of his Catholic half-sister Mary. This was to result in the death of Ladt Jane Grey and nearly the Princess Elizabeth as well.


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Created: 5:25 PM 1/26/2005
Last updated: 9:40 PM 1/26/2005