*** British royalty Edward VII -- children's clothes garments

Edward VII's Children: Clothes--Garments

Edward VII children
Figure 1.--Here we see all of Prince of Wales' five surviving children. Edward rince George (later George V) kneeling, with his sisters, the Princess Royal, Princess Victoria, and Princess Maud, and brother the Duke of Clarence and Avondale. The portrait is undated, but was probably talen about 1874-75. The boys wear traditionsly styles sailor suits. The girls' dresses do not have the "V" collar, but all the stripes would have been seen as sailor styling.

We do not yet know a grest deal about the clothing worn by Edward VII's children. Thus we are just beginning to develop details on the garments that the children wore. Our archive is still very limited, but we hve rchived several images so we do have some information. We know that the boys commonly wore sailor suits. This was a very important style for the boys after breeching. And thevgirls also had silor dresses. We are less sure about their other clothes. The girls of course wore dresses. We know that some had sailor styling, but we do not have much information on the other styles that they wore. We believe they also wore kilts, but unlike sailor suits we do not have images to substantiate this.


The princes of course mostly wore dresses. We know thst the princes also wore dresses when young. We do not yet have details on the styles and ages of the boys when they wore dresses or the age of breeching.


We do not yet know if the children wore smocks.


We do not kno if the princesses wore pinafores. We think it is likely, but we do not yet hsve any details.

Sailor Suits

The boys and girls were each commonly dressed alike as children. It was not possible to dress all the children alike because the the older children were boys and the younger children gurls. The reverse would have provided more flexibility. Sailor styles did allow Alix whi like to dress the boys and girls if not identically at least to coordinate their clothes. And of course the boys could be dressed alike and commonmly were. The same is true of the girls. Sailor styles were popular and were becoming increasingly adopted by the general public. As quite a few of the available images show the boys wearing sailor suits, we think this was how they were commonly dressed. Pleasing the Queen may have also been a factor. The boys wore sailor suits into their early-teens. Both the princes and princesses wore them. We note various styles. Here they wore whay we bow call tradional styles, although at the time the Royal Navy was just beginning to standardize what is now the classic uniform. Other portraits show a little more stylistic divergences.



Given Queen Victoria's love for Scotland, her grandchildren also wore kilts. The Prince of Wales wore kilts as boy and so did his children, although perhaps not as commonly. Here we are not sure if Bertie gave abny attetiion to this. He was a clothes horse, but do not know to what extebnt he took an interest in the children's clothes. More than likely Alexandria did as commonly it was the moyher who decided on the clothes that not only what the girls wore, but the boys wore until their teen years. In addition, Aklexabdria must have wanted to have good relations with the Queen. Here we have no solid information in the dynamics here, but are making assumptions. We are not sure how commonly. We see the boys wearing Highland kilts at Osborne on the Isle of Wight. Surely they wore kilts when the family gathered at Balmoral. How common this was at other times we do not know, but there are quite a few photographs of the boys wearing kilts. We had thought that they only wear Highland kilts. But we note one photograoh if the boys wearuing kilt suits rather than Highland regakia that they more commonly wear. This was a stylevthat became very common. We see a lot of boys wearing kilt suits in Engkland, but veven more so in the vUnited States, much more common than Highland kilts. And it can all be traced back to Queen Victoria. Another interesting issue is the girls. Abnd at this time, we do not know if the three pribces wore Scottish attire of any kind.


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Created: 2:20 AM 9/19/2009
Last updated: 8:25 AM 8/6/2023