Nicholas and Alexandra: Family Life

Figure 1.--This formal portrait of the Royal Family looks to be a colorized rather than a color photograph. We are not sure when it was taken. It looks like it was taken just before World War I, perhaps about 1913. Notice how all the daughters are dressed alike.

Generally a very different picture emerges of Nicholas as family man. Of course in historical terms, Nicholas has to be judged as Tsar. As a man, however, his family life has to be considered. And Nicholas was absolutely devolted to his family. He loved Alexandra and unlike many men in his position had no extramarital affairs. He was devoted to his children, especially his last child--the Tsarevich Alexis. Nothing appealed to Nicholas more than times away from the weighty affairs of state with his family. He was a doting father and adored by all the children. There are numerous formal portraits of the family. There are also numerous informal snapshots which show Nicholas with the children and obvously enjoying carefree time with them. The Tsar as father was the emodiment of a bourgeoise Edwardian family man. Nicholas was attracted to family life by his very nature. Another factor was his burdens as Tsar. The family was a relief from the relentless state burdens. And the need for security restricted the movement of the Royal Family. His grandfather was assaasinated. Thus the Tsar had to be protected and this meant restricting public access. The Royal Family thus was forced to live an extremely closted life, depending on each other much more than an ordinary family.


Battiscombe, Georgina. Queen Alexandra (Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1969).


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Created: 9:10 PM 12/28/2007
Last updated: 9:10 PM 12/28/2007