** English school uniform: chronology private schools 1900s

English School Chronology: The 1900s--Garments

Figure 1.--Here we see a family vacationing in Littehampton, a seaside redprt in West Sussex. Noticed how they are dressed, hardly for a seaside day. The boy wears his school uniform, probably a private preparatory school. He wears a school cap, blazer with piping, Eton collar, necktie, and knickers.

We have information on the vsrious garments worn for school in the 1900s. The peaked cap was commonly worn at both private and state schools. It was at private schools, however, tht boys wore caps of the same style and color. The basic school uniform at both state and private schools was a suit. At private schools there were commonly uniforms and better cut than the suits boys were wearing at state schools. The boys at private schools might have blazers, but the blazer was still commonly seen as a sports uniform. Boys in the 1900s wore the suits with Eton collars that had become so common in the late 19th century. The Eton collars in the 1900s were still very common. There was, however, no consensus as to neckwear. We see both bows and neckties. The younger boys at state schools might wear a variety of outfits, including ruffled and lace collars and sailor suits. Boys in preparatorry and public schools as well as older boys at state schools usually wore jackets with Eton collars. The boy here at Littlhmnpton is a good example (figure 1). We still see knickers which were still very common. Boys also wore straight-leg knee pants, especiall younger boys. We don't see short pants yet to any extent. The one major change during the 1900s was that the knickers commonly worn during the late-19th century became less common. Younger boys instead wore knee pants with long stockings. At many public schools, the younger boys wore Eton colars while the older boys wore regular soft collars. The Eton collars were often, but not always worn with ties or other neckwear. The younger boys might wear knee pants and the older boys long pants. Hosiery was mostly long stockings. It is a little difficult to tell, but we don't notice a lot of knee socks.

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Created: 9:46 PM 11/11/2021
Last updated: 9:46 PM 11/11/2021