Here we see two boys, presumbly brothers. They look to be about 11-13 years old. Thy are dressed in what we take to be a military-style school uniform. Unlike America, military schools were not common in England. While uniforms were fairly standard in English private schools, military styles were not. The few we know of were charity schools. These boys do not look like they attended a charity school. They have matching kepis, military jackets, and a military-style belt and buckle worn over the jacket. Something we might describe as a cadet uniform. The boys also wear knickers and knee socks which were common in private boarding schools at the time. All we know for sure is that the portrait was taken in Poplar near London. Of course tht my be where the school was located or where the boys lived. The style of the CDV portrait suggests the 1870s. The studio was W. Bartier in Poplar E'. We are not sure what the 'E' meant, perhaps East London.
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