Individual German Schools: Bismarck School

Figure 1.-- A HBC reader has provided us what looks like a portrait from the Bismarck School. We know it is a German school, but we do not know where in Germany it was located. It is clearly a primary school. We also know that the portrait was taken in 1913 just before the outbreak of World War I. The image shows just how popular the sailor suit was in Germany. Note that there was no one standard style.

A HBC reader has provided us what looks like a portrait from the Bismarck School. We know it is a German school, but we do not know where in Germany it was located. It is clearly a primary school. We also know that the portrait was taken in 1913 just before the outbreak of World War I. The school portraits when dated offered an excelent view of the popular styles at the time. The image shows just how popular the sailor suit was in Germany. Note that there was no one standard style. Mothers had a wide variety of middy blouses to chhose from. Perhaps the fact that mny mothers sewed their cildren's clothes contributed to the diversity. Not all the boys wear sailor suits, but many do. Other boys wear blouses or shorts, some with ties, others with bows. Three boys seem to have Eton collars. All the boys seem tg be wearing kneepants. Most boys seem to be wearing long tockings, but a few boys wear kneesocks. One boy wears ankle socks. Also notice the number of boys with close-cropped hair.

The School

A HBC reader has provided us what looks like a portrait from the Bismarck School. It is clearly a primary school. We know, however, nothing more about the school.

Prince Otto von Bismarck (1815-98)

It is not surprising that schools would be named after Prince Otto von Bismarck (1815-98). Bismarck played a central role in the creation of modern Germany. With the end of the Franco-Prussian War in 1871 at Versailles the "Deutsches Kaiserreich" was founded under the Prussian King Wilhelm. He was the political force behind this and became the first "Reichskanzer" (untill 1888). Schools were named after Bismarck everywhere in Germany. There are also a lot of "Bismarckturm" (towers) and "Bimarkstrasse" (streets) in Germany.


We know the Bismarck School is a German school. It is likely that a school would be named the Bismarck School in any country, but Germany--except of course the United States. We do not know where in Germany it was located. We think it was probably taken in northern Germany, at least not Bavaria because none of the boys are wearing Lederhosen.


We also know that the portrait was taken in 1913 just before the outbreak of World War I.


The school portraits when dated offered an excelent view of the popular styles at the time. The image shows just how popular the sailor suit was in Germany. Note that there was no one standard style. Mothers had a wide variety of middy blouses to chhose from. Perhaps the fact that mny mothers sewed their cildren's clothes contributed to the diversity. Not all the boys wear sailor suits, but many do. Other boys wear blouses or shorts, some with ties, others with bows. Three boys seem to have Eton collars. All the boys seem tg be wearing kneepants. Most boys seem to be wearing long tockings, but a few boys wear kneesocks. One boy wears ankle socks.

Hair Styles

Also notice the number of boys with close-cropped hair. Not ll the boys have close-cropped hair, but it does appear to be the dominant hair styles for boys.

Moderm Schools

We know nothing more about the school than what can be deduced from the photograph. We do note several Bismarck schools in modern Germany. What we do not know if any of them were the same as the school seem here. There seem to be quite a few of them. Here are some. One is the Bismarck-Schule Nürnberg - Geschichte which recently celebrated its 100 anniversary. It was located in Nürnberg, the well known Bavarian city. This school would be old enough, but we suspect that most schools named after Nismasrck would be fairly old, probably founded before World War I (1914-18). There is also the Bismarckschule Elmshorn". U'm not sure where Elmshorn is located. We notice another Bismarck Schule, but we are not sure where it is located. There may be schools named after Bismrck in America as the capital of North Dakota is Bismarck and thus there are Bismarck Public Schools.


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Created: 5:35 AM 9/3/2005
Last updated: 6:03 PM 9/6/2005