Individual German Schools: Skerbersdorf Village School (1940s-50s)

Figure 1.--This class at the Skerbersdorf village school was taken in 1951. They are posed in front of their brick and cement school which must hsve been was built before World War II. Notice the schoolyard gaste to the left. The children look to be about 10 years old. The boys modtly wear long knickers. We also note short pants worn with long stockings and knee socks. The girls wear dresses.

Skerbersdorf is a village in Saxony located close to Silesia (one of the modt fought-over proivinces in Europe) on the Lusatian Neisse River. The area was settled by Germanic tribes and then Slavic tribes when the Germans moved west. Charlemagne in the Saxon Wars began the Christinaztion of the Saxons (8th century AD). We are not sure when the first written records of the village appdear. Developing trade routes made the area important and many battles were fought resulting in substantial destruction. The area was devestated by the Thirty Years War (17th century). Skerbersdorf is located in the southeastern portion of East Germany, very close to the post-World War II Polish frontier. We note several portaits taken in the village school duting the post-War era. A reader writes, "Did you notice that several of the girls wore top curls? At least eight girls in that first row of girls (second row) had these top curls. I thought that was striking." Probably that was more of a local fad than a national style. Interestingly, more girls have these top curls than the braids with which German girls are more associated. We suspect that in the days before all pervasive media that fashion trends like this developed in schools, especially as no purchases were required.


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Created: 11:06 PM 9/11/2011
Last updated: 5:06 PM 9/12/2011