Individual German Schools: St. Gunther Volksschule of Rinchnach (1933)

Figure 1.-- Here we see a boys' class in 1933 Bavaria. The school was the St. Gunther Volksschule of Rinchnach, a Catholic confessional school located in the Bavarian Forest of southeast Germany. The teacher was Herr Braunfofer. This is obviously a primary class of "Buben" (= boys) about 6 or 7 years old. The details are interesting, both the class furniture and the slates the boys use.

Here we see a boys' class in 1933 Bavaria. The school was the St. Gunther Volksschule of Rinchnach, a Catholic confessional school located in the Bavarian Forest of southeast Germany. The teacher was Herr Braunfofer. This is obviously a primary class of "Buben" (= boys) about 6 or 7 years old. The details are interesting, both the class furniture and the slates the boys use. We see this type of desk-benches commonly used into the 1940s. The slates were used for class work rather than paper. This is why the boys have sponges and cloths in many photographs because the slates needed to be wiped off for the next exercize. The boys at the right for some reason do not have slates. We are unsure why, perhaps the boys were moved around for the photograph. The overwealming impression, however, is the very large number of boys in the class. Any teacher would take one look at this class and ask, "How in heaven's name did Herr Braunfofer teach all those boys?" There are probably more than 50 boys in that class. We are not sure how common such large classes were in the 1930s. The boys are very informally dressed. The boys wear short trousers, mostly with long stockings. One or two boys wear sailor suits, but the others wear jackets of various kinds--none of them with dress shirts or neckties. Some boys wear dark-colored open-necked shirts. It is interesting the the photograph was taken from the back of the classroom, so the boys sat facing backwards at their desks. Usually class photos are taken from the front with the teacher standing at the back or side. Thus we have a rare biew of the front of the classroom.


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Created: 5:19 AM 6/13/2009
Last updated: 5:19 AM 6/13/2009