** Japanese school uniform : ceremony ceremonies

Japanese School Uniform: Ceremonies

Figure 1.--These Japanese boys are participating in their primary school graduation. This was a uniform school and the boys are wearing their blazers. Note the graduation certificates and flowers they received. These boys are from a Tokyo primary school in 2000. I'm not sure how boys dressed for their graduation at a non-uniform school.

There are a number of interesting ceremonies at Japanese schools. Our information is incomplete at this time, but we have begun to collect some basic information. A ceremony of considerable importance is when children begin primary schools. This is certainly a major even in the life of every Japanese child. Many parents buy a suit for the occassion which afterwards is often rarely worn. There is also a ceremony when a child graduates from primary school. Boys at uniform schools wear their best uniforms, in some cases blazers. We are not sure how boys at non-uniform schoold dress for this occassion. The children receive a graduation certificate. The boys may receive flower. We know less about secondary school. I am not sure if there is an important first day ceremony, but of course gradution is very important. Graduation ceremonies are important at all levels. They are held in March and are followed by the by entrance ceremonies marking the beginning of the new school year in April. This also matches the seasonal change from winter to spring. Hopefully our Japanese readers will provide us some insights into these ceremonies.


Japanese primary schools begin atage 6 years with first grade. This is the ofician beginning of school. There are also Kindergardens. Not all children attend Kinfergarden, but many do. We think many if not most Kindergardens are seprate from ther primary schools, but they msay be associations. There are welcoming ceremonies for the children at the Kindergardens. We are not sure just what the age range is at the Kinfergardens, it may be wider than just for 5 years olds, rather like a generalized nursery school. There are also graduartion ceremonies.

Primary Schools

There are a number of interesting ceremonies at Japanese schools. Our information is incomplete at this time, but we have begun to collect some basic information. A ceremony of considerable importance is when children begin primary schools. This is certainly a major even in the life of every Japanese child. Some of these ceremonies involving the children dressing up rather than wearing regular every=day school clothes. Many parents buy a suit for the occassion which afterwards is often rarely worn. There is also a ceremony when a child graduates from primary school. Boys at uniform schools wear their best uniforms, in some cases blazers. Interestingly the dress up uniforms commonly include sneakers. We are not sure how boys at non-uniform schoold dress for this occassion. The children receive a graduation certificate. The boys may receive flower. Hopefully our Japanese readers will know more about important primary school ceremonies. These are the ones we know about so far.

Secondary Schools

We know less about secondary school. I am not sure if there is an important first day ceremony, but of course gradution is very important. We have a graduation photograph from 1939. It looks to be an unidentified boy who has just finished secondary school. Japan was at war with China, but had not yet attacked the United States. We see several uniforms in the portrait, but can not yet identify them. Hopefully our Japanese readers will provide us some insights into these ceremonies.


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Created: May 5, 2004
Last updated: 7:08 AM 8/20/2010