New Zealand School Uniform Garments: Ties

Figure 1.--Usually a School insists on a standard tie. These children wear severl different patterns. The boys have to wear ties, it appears optional for the girls. This photograph appears to have been taken in 1988. Notice the white shirts.

British schoolboys commonly wore ties to school. Both state and private schools required them. The ties were usually stripped in the school colors. Some schools had single-colored ties. And there were differences with the ties at many schools. Often prefects or boys who "won their colors" received the honor of wearing distinctive colors. This pattern was continued in New Zealand, but generally has been discarded at many schools in recent years, primarily because ties are much less common. Much of this change has taken place since World War II. Boys at most state schools wear casual open-collar shirts. We do not yet have a time line on the developing trends. Only a few state secondary schools continue to require them, but many private schools still do, both prep schools and secondary schools. Not all private schools require uniforms, but more than the state schools. State elementary schools for many years did not have uniforms, but Catholic schools do and ties are commonly worn there. We note state primaries in the 1990s beginning to adopt uniforms, but ties were rarely at of the new uniforms which were mostly casual styles.

British Traditions

British schoolboys commonly wore ties to school. The tie was an important part of school uniform. They were not worn at all schools, but were very common. The term 'old school tie' comes from Britain. Both state and private schools required them. The ties were usually stripped in the school colors. Some schools had single-colored ties. And there were differences with the ties at many schools. Often prefects or boys who "won their colors" received the honor of wearing distinctive colors.


The British pattern was continued in New Zealand. British essentially planted the British education system in Neww Zealand during the 19th century colonil era. The tie as a school uniform item has generally has been discarded at many schools in recent years, primarily because ties are much less common. Much of this change has taken place since World War II. Boys at most state schools wear casual open-collar shirts. We do not yet have a time line on the developing trends.


The two basic options at New Zealand schools of course were ties or open collars. The open-collar option has become much more common in recent years as casual uniform gradually replaced the more formal British styles. This is especially the case in the state schools. We see ties more commonly in the Catholic and private schools. And unlike the state schools, the primry children also wear uniforms. But even in the private schools ties are becoming less common as the trend toward casual uniform styles become more pronounced. Most schools have 'V'-neck sweaters because ties were once so common. The sweaters were usualy 'v'-necks even at schools where ties were not worn. We did note boys at one school wearing turtle-neck shorts.

Types of Schools

Only a few state secondary schools continue to require them, but many private schools still do, both prep schools and secondary schools. Not all private schools require uniforms, but more than the state schools. State elementary schools for many years did not have uniforms, but Catholic schools do and ties are commonly worn there. We note state primaries in the 1990s beginning to adopt uniforms, but ties were rarely at of the new uniforms which were mostly casual styles.

Patterns and Collasrs


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Created: 8:16 PM 6/21/2011
Last updated: 8:16 PM 6/21/2011