Individual Argentine Schools: Industrial School (1961)

Figure 1.-- We notice these industrial schools in many Agentine cities. We have a school portrair for what looks like the first year studets. We are not sure which insustrial school this was, but we do kno the portrat was taken in 1961. We are nor sure which industral chool it is. The boys look to be bout 12-13 years old. They are all wearing suits. There was no uniform, but suits were apparently required. We do not know if this was the evertday dress, or just for the portrait, but they may have well worn suits to school.

We are not entirely sure what is meant by an insustrial school in Argenina. We do know that they were secondary schools. Some seem to have connections to universities. All seem to have connections to local businesses. We thought at first they may be vovational schools meaning schools that offered courses in carpentry , metal working, auto mechanics, etc. This does not seem to be the case. Rather it seems to be a kind of business school attempting toprepare the children for job openings in local businesses. We are not sure to what extent the graduates immeditly found jobs or went on to university. Hopefully our Argentine readers will better explain industrial schools to us. We notice these industrial schools in many Agentine cities. We have a school portrair for what looks like the first year studets in 1961. We are nor sure which industral chool it is. The boys look to be bout 12-13 years old. They are all wearing suits. There was no uniform, but suits were apparently required. We do not know if this was the evertday dress, or just for the portrait, but they may have well worn suits to school.


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Created: 7:40 AM 7/18/2016
Last updated: 7:40 AM 7/18/2016