Australian School Uniform Shirts Colors: Seasonality

Figure 1.-- At this school in the 1980s, boys and girls wore grey shirts in the winter (figure 1). (This was rather uncommon as white blouses were much more common for girls.) During the summer the boys switchedto lighter weight plaid shirts and the girls to plid dresses. Often as the swich was madecseasonally some children wore the out of season items.

Some schools changed shirts seasonally, but this was not as common as chanhing pants--normally different material weights. The seasonal shirt changes often did not involve a change in color. Most schools retained the same colored shirts only in a heavier weight or switching short/long sleeves. We have notuiced a few schools, however, that did change colors. At this school in the 1980s, boys and girls wore grey shirts in the winter (figure 1). (This was rather uncommon as white blouses were much more common for girls.) During the summer the boys switchedto lighter weight plaid shirts and the girls to plid dresses. Often as the swich was madecseasonally some children wore the out of season items.


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Created: March 9, 2004
Last updated: March 9, 2004