Australian School Uniform: Garments--Shirt Monograms

Figure 1.--These boys wear a summer uniforjm of grey shirts and shorts. Notice the school monogram on their shirts. I'm not sure when this photograph was taken, I think the 1980s.s.

School uniforms once identified what school children attended. The primary garment here were destinctively colored blazers. As school uniforms became invreasingly casual, fewer schools required blazers. Schools began adopting destincely colored shirts. These brightly colored shirts are often casual dhirts, in many cases polo shirts with Rugby collars. Not all schools have shirts with bright colors. Many schools still use white and grey shirts. These are often collsared shirts, in some cases worn with ties. In addition many schools have added monograms to the shirts to fewer identify the school. The monograms have been added to both informsl polo shirts and more formal collared shirts.


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Created: May 13, 2004
Last updated: May 13, 2004