Soviet Stalinist Era Schools: Levels--Primary Schools

Figure 1.--Here we see a Soviet primary class in the early-1950s. It look like a 1st or 2nd grade class. Notice the number of adult involved with this single class. Notice how all the girls are wearing the prorocribed uniform. Most of theboys are wearing daek jackets with white cillars, but a few or not.

Primary schools were already well established during the Tsarist era. There was, however, considerable illiteracy. And working-class children, especially in rural aeas might only attend for a one or two years. This changed with the Revolution. The primary system was significantly expabded during the early Soviet children. Considerable resources were devoted to the effort. The primary limitation was funancing, but by the time of World War II, most Soviet children were completing primary programs. There appears to have been formal school uniform, although we are not sure about the different styles and when they were introduced. Most of our images come from after the War. A problem was that before the War because of very low-living standards may not have afforded uniforms, especially in rural areas. We note a military-looking uniform after World War II consisting of a peaked cap, tunic, wide belts, and red scarf. It is not ckear how many schools actually had this uniform. It appears to be more of an ideal, than a commonly worn uniform, especially in the early-50s. Younger boys might wear short pants, sometimes with over-the-knee stockings. This uniform persisted even after Stalin's death in 1953.


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Created: 10:35 PM 1/4/2019
Last updated: 10:35 PM 1/4/2019