Individual Swiss Private Schools: Villa Saint Jean--Religious Ceremonies

Figure 1.--These students about 1936-38 are doing their Renewal or Confirmation. We are not sure which. Most of the boys wear daek suits. Two boys wear sailor suits. Click on the image for a better view of one of the boys wearing sailor suits.

Most of the children at the school were Catholic. I believe that the pupils, by the time they arrived at Villa St. Jean would have done their First Communiin. This may not be the case because I think before World War II that French children did their First Communion later than in the United States and many other countries. After their first year or so they were confirmed. Ther may also have been a Renewal ceremony. There are several portraits of the students before or aafter religious ceremonies. They mostly wear suits, but some boys wear sailor suits. The boys wear quite a range of outfits. One boy weaers a kind of Eton tuxedo looking suit. We are not sure what ceremony is involved with these portraits.


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Created: June 6, 2004
Last updated: June 6, 2004