*** schoolwear United States -- individual schools Davis Street School

U.S. School Clothes: Davis Street School, 1896

Davis Street School
Figure 1.--Here we have a cabinet portrait of the Davis Street School in Atlanta, Georgia. We can see the frint of the school in the background. As this is only one classs, it was a fairly substantial school. Thanks to the board the boy is holding, we know the portrait was a 3rd grade class taken in November 1896. Third graders are chilfren about 8 years old. And what a class it is. There seem to be about 55 pupils. Of course it could be two classes photographed together, but as there is only one teacher with the children, it must be one big class. This is one example of how poorly schools in the South tended to be poorly funded. Of coure this was particularly true for segregated Black schools, but it was also true for White schools. It is done on one of the large size cards, in this case 9 1/2x 8 inches. We see a lot of the boys wearing Fauntleroy styles, both ruffled collars and plainer, but large collars. We notice a boy and a girl weearing sailor outfuits. And we notice some of the girls and teachers wearing the baloon-sleeved dresses popular in the 1890s. Several of the girls wear mostly white pinafores.

Here we have a cabinet portrait of the Davis Street School in Atlanta, Georgia. We can see the frint of the school in the background. As this is only one classs, it was a fairly substantial school. Thanks to the board the boy is holding, we know the portrait was a 3rd grade class taken in November 1896. Third graders are chilfren about 8 years old. And what a class it is. There seem to be about 55 pupils. Of course it could be two classes photographed together, but as there is only one teacher with the children, it must be one big class. This is one example of how poorly schools in the South tended to be poorly funded. Of coure this was particularly true for segregated Black schools, but it was also true for White schools. The portrait is done on one of the large size cards, in this case 9 1/2x 8 inches. The boys wear suits. We see a lot of boys wearing blouses with Fauntleroy collars, both ruffled collars and plainer, but large collars. We notice a boy and a girl weearing sailor outfuits. And we notice some of the girls and teachers wearing the baloon-sleeved dresses popular in the 1890s. Several of the girls wear mostly white pinafores.


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Created: 1:34 AM 9/27/2023
Last updated: 1:34 AM 9/27/2023