Hungarian School Smocks: Badges

Figure 1.--This boy appears to have a flag-like school badge on his traditionally styled smock. Notice the other children wear different style smocks. Notice the apron-style smock one hirl in the back wears.

Most Hungariam school smocks appear to be very plain garments with little detailing. HBC has noticed a few smocks that appear to have colored badges. They are not elablorate school badges like on British school blazers, but rather flag-like color combinations. This appears to be a relatively recent development. HBC is unsure how common this was. Images show children at some schools wearing smocks with and without the badges, so they may be just a stylistic decoration rather than a badgde identifying specific schools. Again this appears to be primarly seen at primary schools.


Most Hungariam school smocks appear to be very plain garments with little detailing. HBC has noticed a few smocks that appear to have colored badges. They are not elablorate school badges like on British school blazers, but rather flag-like color combinations. Images show children at some schools wearing smocks with and without the badges, so they may be just a stylistic decoration rather than a badgde identifying specific schools. Again this appears to be primarly seen at primary schools. A Hyngarian reports that these badges were only a decoration or the badge of the manufacturer and not actual school badges. These decorations appears to be a relatively recent development. HBC is unsure how common this was.

School Badges

Hungarian schools in the 1990s began to devise actual school badges for their smocks. By the 2000s it has become common to have school badges where a smock is required. This is mostly the case for private primary schools. This was not typical at all in the past. HBC does not yet have details on the type of badges that these schools have developed. Since the smock is not a general schoolwear now, some schools are ordering the same style of smocks, in some cases with a badge or logo from a certain manufacturer and therefore it is almost like a uniform.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: May 2, 2001
Last updated: May 3, 2001