Hungarian School Smocks: Colors

Figure 1.--

The smocks worn by Hungarian school children appear to be almost entirely blue smocks. The same blue color appears to have been worn througout the country. Both boys and girls wore them. While blue appears to have been the mandated country, various shades of blue were worn, from light blue to very dark blue. Some smocks were made in black. HBC has noted a few imapges of different colored smocks, but this appear to be more the exception rather than the rule. The different colored smocks appear to be mostly relatively recent images.

From the 1980s red coloured smocks were available for girls. It was common that from the early 1980s girl smocks had different forms of decorations, like red lines or white lines or blue upon red or so... Available images exist of these more colorful smocks. The first shows a girl (with the blue tie of youg pioneers) who has a blue apron-like smock with some moderate decorations around the neck. On the other picutre (sorry for the quality) shows an other girl who has a dark blue smock, with white-red lines on it as a decoration. It had short sleeves and zipper at the front.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: May 3, 2001
Last updated: May 3, 2001