School Uniform Jumpers: Cadet Jumpers

Figure 2.--This Scottish prep boy wears a blue cadet styled jumper or sweater. Notice the leather trim and epelites. This boy does not wear a tie, but some schools required a tie even with these crew neck jumper.

Another type of jumper were the crew neck sweaters with shoulder patches, Some had elbow patches and pen holders as well. They look like hunting jackets, but the origin seems to be military uniforms. This was not a common jumper style, but we note it being worn at several schools. These are often called cadet jumpers. They were commonly worn at Enhlish public (exclusive private secondary) schools that had cadet programs. Some British preparatory (exclusive private primary) schools also aopted them for younger boys. They are usually blue or blue grey. I have seen Scout groups wearing olive green sweaters in this style, but the olive green ones were not common at prep dchools. They appear to have been based on the military style intriduced by cadet programs at the public schools. We are not sure just what branch of the British military may have used them, but believe all three used these sweaters. These jumpers were as far as we can tell, made with a crew neck. Thus it basically covered ties. Most schools did not require ties to be worn with these sweaters, but some schools did.


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Created: 4:25 AM 10/28/2010
Last updated: 4:25 AM 10/28/2010