German Lederhosen: Chronology--The 21st Century

Figure 1.--This snapshot was taken in 2011. Lederhosen worn as only garment were once quite common during summertime among boys in the Tyrolese mountains. It is less common in more modern times, but we still see it to some extent.

We have very limited information available on the 21st century. Lederhosen seem much less common than they once were in the mid-20th century. Our information is still very limited. Our initial impression is that Lederhosen are worn by younger boys as a kind of play outfit. They usually had the hslters. Some older boys wore them without the haltars, but we see fewer examples. We also notice older boys wearing Lederhosen rather like a suit outfit, primarily for special events, especially festivals like Octoberfest. We also see them being worn to church, although church attendance has declined substantially since World War II. We noticed a lot of boys wearing Lederhosen without halters. in the late-19th century, This seems less common in the cearly 21st century. We are not sure just why, but think it vws because casual wear for older boys was becoming less common. Hopefully our German readers will provide some insights. A reader writes, "I visited Munich in 2002 and was surprised to see the number of men and boys dressed in the traditional attire. As it was the middle of winter they were all wearing the knee length variety with thick wool socks."


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Created: 9:30 PM 5/14/2011
Last updated: 9:30 PM 5/14/2011