Short Pants/Trousers: Country Trends--Unknown Countries

Figure 1.--Here we have a back yard snapshot in 1945 at the end of World War II. Three children, a boy and two girls, about 2-8 years old. The older girl wears a plaid dress and knee socks and has a hair bow. The younger girl wears suspender long pants. We think she is a girl because there seems to be a hair bow. The boy wears a shirt, sweater, short pants knee socks with lighter-colored ankle socks, and heavy shoes. We are not sure where the photograoh was taken. We would guess Germany, but Britain is a possibility. The long pants for the little girl is interesting. We see quite a number of younger children wearing long pants. We suspect that War-time coal shortages and poorly heated homes were a factor. The snapshot had a wide white border.

We have found many photographs of children for which we cannot identify the country. It is often possible to identify old photographs by country, espcially photographs of children from the major countries. Until after World War II, there wre destinctive styles worn in the major countries. This is nuch less the case today. We see pan-European styles incluenced by American casual styles becoming prevalent in Europe by the 970s. Background with cars, houses, and foligage can also be useful in identifying countries. We will archive images here that we cannot figure out. Perhaps HBC readers can provide insights.

Image 1

Here we have a back yard snapshot in 1945 at the end of World War II. Three children, a boy and two girls, about 2-8 years old. The older girl wears a plaid dress and knee socks and has a hair bow. The younger girl wears suspender long pants. We think she is a girl because there seems to be a hair bow. The boy wears a shirt, sweater, short pants knee socks with lighter-colored ankle socks, and heavy shoes. We are not sure where the photograoh was taken. We would guess Germany. The double socks were very common in Germany at the time. Britain is another possibility. The long pants for the little girl is interesting. We see quite a number of younger children wearing long pants. We suspect that War-time coal shortages and poorly heated homes were a factor.


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Created: 7:15 AM 9/25/2017
Last updated: 7:15 AM 9/25/2017