Children's Leggings: Chronology--The 1920s

Figure 1.--Here we see an unidentified French girl wearing leggings in the 1920s. She seems to be from a well-to-do family. The girl wears a cloche, a very short coat and very long white leather gaiters. At first, those one had just buttons on outer side but to enable gaiters to be held up, buckles at the upper part of the gaiters which can grip and help keep the the gaiter up. The picture doesn't show them but it is clear that they had such buckles.

We see fashionably dressed American and European boys and girls wearing leggings in the 1920s. Leggings do not seem very common, but we see children from well to do families wearing them. We notice Montgmery Wards offering leggings in 1922 catalog. We note numerous offerings for leggings in French fashion magazines and catalogs during the 1920s. They were often depicted in European novelty postcards showing winter scenes during the early-20th century. This seems to be more of a nostalgic depiction than an accurate depiction of popula fashions, but is a little difficult to tell. One innovation in which leggings were more commonly worn were snow suits for younger children. We see quite a few of these in the 1920s and 30s and even into the 50s.


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Created: 8:47 PM 8/7/2010
Last updated: 8:47 PM 8/7/2010