National Highland Gatherings: United States

Figure 1.--.

One of the most widely known and popular ethnic event in America is the Higland Gatherings. More than 100 such events are held in America annually. They are especially common in the South where much of the Scottish immigtation in the late 17th Century was centered. There are also important Highland Gatherings in New England. The Gatherimngs are often held in the summer, so the American Highland Gatherings are usually a bit warmer than those held in Scotland. Whether held in Scotland or Anmerica, many of the major events and activities are quite similar. The annual Highland Gathering or Games is as important to the Scotts in communities around America as St. Patrick's Day is to the Irish. Many Gatherings, especially in America, have mock battles between English redcoats and kilt-clad and sword waving Scottish warriors. Of course the Scotts always win these engagements. An annoucement explains, "A Highland charge, and guess who is going to win." A typical Higland Gathering in America might have 60 or more Clans participating. One of the most popular events is the sheep dog trials. Dog owners put their dogs through their paces as an approving audience looks on.


A HBC reader reports that the Connecticut Scotland Games are held in Scottland, Connecticut, a rural farming community tucked away in rolling hills of eastern Connecticut. "Though this twice yearly event was primarily a gathering of numerous pipers from many clan groups ... also included were many local police department pipe bands. I'd say we had upwards of 25+ different bag pipe organizations represented. The day included numerous activities name a few: pipe band marching & judging, "Irish" highland dancing by girls and boys ..along with sheep dog herding competitions, pole tossing & pole climbing that the Scotts are so adapt'd at for sport." Many visitors including some of the boys wear kilts. Most of the pipe bands had at least one kilted boy usually between 9-15 years of age.



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Created: October 12, 2002
Last updated: October 12, 2002