*** English sandals strap shoes sand shoes colors seasonality

English Sandals: Seasonality

boys summer sandals
Figure 1.--This English boy in 1971 is on summer holiday with his family in Cornwall a popular vacation site. Many boys wore sandals without socks during the summer, especially when on vacation. These look like new sandals, perhaps bought just for the vacation.

English boys wore sandals to school all year round, although we suspect this too was in part seasonal. British winters are not nearly as severe as American winters, but there is still a definite seasonality to wearing sandals. We do not yet have full details, but sandals were highly seasonal for regular wear. Some Brirish boys may have worn sandals all year round, but after World War II they seem to have been primarily seasonal outside of school. We see a lot of boys wearing sandals for play during the summer. Thus was especially the case before the 1970s when trainers (sneakers) became popular for casual wear. We see them being commonly worn at seaside resorts and generally at summer vacation centers. The sandals we see being worn as summer footwear are primarily the style with the narrow center strap and not the very wide strap looking more like a shoe that became popular dor schoolwear. This of course made sence because the reason sandalsere wofn during the summer was to provide more exposure to the air. Many children wore sandals without socks during the summer which was not very common for school wear. We see far fewer children wearing sandals even during the summer in the 1980s, primarily because of the popularity of sneakers.


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Created: 6:56 PM 11/7/2009
Last updated: 6:56 PM 11/7/2009