German Strap Shoes: Clothing

Figure 1.--German boys wore strap shoes with a wide variery of outfits. HBC is not precisely sure how to describe this little boy's suit. YThe snapshot is undated, but we would guess was taken in the early 1920s.

We note German boys wearing strap shoes with a wide range of different garments. Of course this varried over time. The strap shoe was a classic shoe style and is still worn. Thus it was worn with many differenbt outfits as clothing styles changes. We note boys wearing dresses, tunic suits, velvet suits, sailor suits and many other outfits wiyth strap shoes. Sailor suits were especially common, primarily because they wre so extensively worn by German boys over such a long period. Some outfits are difficult to describe. Strap shoes for formal occasions were normally worn with white socks, both three-quarter socks and kneesocks. We notice several images with white socks that had stripes or designs during the early 20th century, but plain white socks were more common by the 1930s.

Skirted Garments

We note boys wearing dresses and tunic suits. A few boys wore kilt outfits, but they were not very common.

Fauntleroy Suits

We note a few boys wearing Faunrkleroy and other fancy velvet suit.

Sailor Suits

Sailor suits were extremely popular in Germany and were often worn with strap shoes. Sailor suits were especially common, primarily because they wre so extensively worn by German boys over such a long period.

Juvenile Suits

There are many different juvenile suits worn by younger boys. The suit here is a good example (figure 1). They are difficult to describe.

Dressy Blouses

Older boys would wear suits when dressing up. Younger boys might dress up with a blouse without a jacket. Here age conventions varied over time. We do not yet have information on blouses outfits and strap shoes in the 19th century. We see boys in the early-20th century we see boys wearing strap shoes which fancy, formal blouse outfits. There were a variety of blouse styles. Most seem to have been white. Some were verry fancy, but we also see plasin styles as well. These fancy blouses were often worn with short pants, white socks, and formal strap shoes. Black strap shoes seem the nost common, but thee were also colored shoes as well.



We see German cjhildren wearing strap shoes with a wide range of hosdiery. Strap shoes for formal occasions were commonly worn with socks, including ankle, three-quarter, and knee socks. We also notice strap shoes woen with long stockings. The hosiery was often white, but we notice colored jhosiery as well. We notice several images with white socks that had stripes or designs during the early 20th century, but plain white socks were more common by the 1930s. We also see boys wearing strap shoes with colored hosiery. Unfortunsately the black and white photography of the day makes it difficult to tell what colors were worn.


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Created: August 25, 2003
Last updated: 8:31 PM 1/27/2010