* knee socks : United States chronology

American Knee Socks: Chronology

Figure 1.-- This unidetified American boy wears patterned knee socks with a three-piece short pants suit. The portrait is undatedm but was probably taken in the late-1920s.

Knee socks were primarily a 20th century garment. We do not see them in the 19th century. They wee not common in Europe as well, although we do see them. The only exception in America is the relatively rare one of boys wearing Highland kilt outfits. We do see American boys wearing knee socks in the 20th century, mostly after World War I. Knee socks also appeared in America as an import from England. They were popularized in Europe by the Boy Scouts which adopted them as part of the uniform. Knee socks were commonly worn by boys throughout Europe in the 1920s. European boys commonly wore them with shorts pants and shorts were not nearly as well received by American boys as European boys--even American Boy Scouts for decades declined to wear shorts. While knee socks appeared in America about the same time, but were not as well received as in Europe. American boys continued to wear long stockings with knee pants and knickers. Younger booys wearing knee pamts were more likely to wear thre-quarter length stockings. Knee socks in America did not begin to commonly replace long stockings until the mid-1920s. THey were worn worn with short pants as in Europe, but were more commonly worn with knickers. American boys were more likely to wear shorts with ankle socks. Knee socks were still worn with shorts by American boys, but this declined substantially in the 1950s. By the 1950s, American boys had begun to regard kneesocks as girls clothes because they were so commonly worn by girls. As a result, many boys did not want to wear them. After the 1960s only very young American boys wore kneesocks.

The 19th Century

Knee socks were primarily a 20th century garment. We do not see them in the 19th century. They were not common in Europe as well, although we do see them. The only exception in America is the relatively rare one of boys wearing Highland kilt outfits.

The 20th Century

We do see American boys wearing knee socks in the 20th century, mostly after World War I. Knee socks also appeared in America as an import from England. They were popularized in Europe by the Boy Scouts which adopted them as part of the uniform. Knee socks were commonly worn by boys throughout Europe in the 1920s. European boys commonly wore them with shorts pants and shorts were not nearly as well received by American boys as European boys--even American Boy Scouts for decades declined to wear shorts. While knee socks appeared in America about the same time, but were not as well received as in Europe. American boys continued to wear long stockings with kneepants and knickers. Younger booys wearing knee pants were more likely to wear thre-quarter length stockings. Knee socks in America did not begin to commonly replace long stockings until the mid-1920s. THey were worn worn with short pants as in Europe, but were more commonly worn with knickers. American boys were more likely to wear shorts with ankle socks. We see this trend in the 1930s. And by the 1940s, knee socks were not very common, exept among Scouts and some of the boys dressing up in short pants suits. Knee socks were still worn with shorts by American boys, but this declined substantially in the 1950s. By the 1950s, American boys had begun to regard kneesocks as girls clothes because they were so commonly worn by girls. As a result, many boys did not want to wear them. After the 1960s only very young American boys wore knee socks.


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Created: 3:10 AM 1/31/2010
Last updated: 6:06 PM 3/25/2010