Figure 1.--Some familes did the children of different ages differently. The boys here despite the different ages have their hair done similarly. The portrait looks to have been taken about 1910.

Hair Styles: Age Trends

Hair styles were in part affected by age, although this varied over time. Styoles akso varied from country to country. Most boys had short hair, although there were times when even older boys had long hair. Usully it was more common for younger boys to have long hair. This was especially the case before boys were breeched. At times there were substantial differences in hair styles for boys of different ages. At other times there were much less difference. Some syyles were especially common for younger boys like ringlet curls. Other styles like bangs were worn by boys of more varied ages, although varied by time.

Age 2

We note a little American boy with his older sisters, we think in the 1850s. He looks to be about 2 years old. The portrait is notable because it shows that even very littleboys would not have center parts like their sisters. Of course we do not know that this never occurred, but as far as we can tell it was certainlt not very common.

Age 3

We note an American boy in 1865. He looks to be about 3 years old. He has not yet been breeched, but his hair looks to have been cut.

Age 4

We note an American boy in the 1880s. looks to be about 4 years old. He has not yet been breeched, but his hair looks to have been cut. Notice how modern his hair cut looks.


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Created: 5:15 AM 2/18/2007
Last edited: 5:01 AM 2/27/2007