Boys' Hair Bows: Knot Styles

Figure 1.--This American boy, probably during the early 1880s, wears a hair bow. As with many boys' hair bos, it is relatively small. Note how it is tied into a lock of hair. Click on the image for more details. Image courtesy of the RG collection.

Hair bows were tied in several different styled knots. HBC does not yet have adequate deails on the different knots, but hope to add some information here as I acquire more information. There appear to have been differences in the hairbow knots for boys and those for girls. Girls' hair bows are often quite large. Wide ribbon is tied in large bows. The hair bows for boys often used more narrow ribbon and much smaller and less elaborately tied bow knots. There is clearly much more divesity in the bows for girls than those for boys. The knots are normally tied up with a lock of the boy's hair, but given the knots are usually on top of the head, it is not usually clear just how this is done

Christopher Wagner

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Created: January 3, 1998
Last updated: April 30, 2002