Boys' Hair Top Knots with Long Non-ringlet Hair

Figure 1.--This American boy in the early 20th century has a carefully styled top ringlet, but almost unkempt hair at the back.

The top-knot curl was normally formed from the hair at the front side and crown. This meant that often there was hair at the back of the head not used for the top curl. Some times this back hair was formed into ringlets. We note, hoever, that in some cases ringlets were not formed. The hair could be styled in a variety of ways. In some cases it does not appeared to be styled at all, in sharp contrast to the carefully styled top knot itself. The American image here is a good example. The carefully styled top ringlet seems strangely out of place with the unruly hair at the boy's back. Actually they look to be very loosely formed ringlets.


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Created: 1:59 AM 10/26/20049
Last edited: 1:59 AM 10/26/2004