English Boys' Hair Styles: Top Curl/Knot Age Trends

Figure 1.--Here we see a cDV portrait if two siblings. The older boy with top curls and a rather flat straw hat looks to be about 3 years old. The sides are rathere strangely done. The studio was John Lancaster in Chester and Birkenhead.

These top curls are primarily a style for pre-school boys,. And we now have enough images to have fairly good ifea of the age range. This is theage range for most of the exmples we have found. we have, however, noted these top curl style with children up to about age 8 years/ Although our limited archive makes this difficult to assess with any validity. At age 8 these children should be in school, bit would presumably being taught by private tutors. Presumably they were boys being schooled at home. We do not see examples in school portraits. The boy here looks to be about 5 years old (figure 1). we have never noted this style on our growing archive of school portraits.


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Created: 7:54 AM 2/22/2016
Last edited: 7:54 AM 2/22/2016